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Writer's pictureDJhereandnow

This is what was downloaded today.

When we think about returning to soul, we are, in reality, in touch with our superior "I". Returning to soul means to live from the soul, from the source, from that part of ourselves that is resolved and knows what's best for us.This is an invitation to returning to the state of BEING, in contrast with DOING and THINKING. Something so simple, that gets lost in the illusionary fervor of our daily lives.

Quando a gente pensa em voltar a ser alma, estamos na verdade em contato com nosso eu superior. Viver a partir da alma é permitir que as decisões e ações sejam tomadas a partir da alma, da sabedoria interior que habita cada um de nós. Esse é um convite ao retorno do SER, em contraste com o FAZER e o PENSAR. Algo tao simples que se perde no fervor ilusório do nosso dia-a-dia

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